Power Line Work
Sustainable Solutions for Utility Reliability
Superior ROW Services helps its clients in the electrical utility industry ensure reliable service to their customers, control service costs, and protect people and property through land clearing and our proprietary system of Superior vegetation management. Superior ROW supports every aspect of the utility industry’s right of way (ROW) from initial planning of new distribution, transmission lines, firebreaks, to the removal of reoccurring or natural disaster vegetation. Our tried and true land clearing, grading, advanced hydroseeding equipment has been modified specifically for power line ROW work. Our cutting edge techniques, specialized equipment, and vast horticultural knowledge have established our company as the superior provider of ROW services to the utility industry.
Superior ROW’s care extends beyond the utility service and its customers to the environment and wildlife local to the region. Superior ROW services standard is to improve system reliability by minimizing risks of vegetation-caused power outages. Superior ROW uses the newest most advanced equipment and methods when clearing land for utility right-of-way construction and access. Our evolving innovation of the most advanced cover to cover Hydroseeding methodology combines with our understanding of the risk involved in working around gas and power lines to form your best partner on the utility right of way.
Superior ROW uses the best available scientific information to guide vegetation management decisions. Our methods are used to promote sustainable plant communities that are compatible with the intended use of the site, and to control, discourage or prevent establishment of incompatible plants that may pose concerns, including safety, security, access, fire hazard, utility service reliability, emergency restoration, visibility, line-of-sight requirements, regulatory compliance, or environmental. The end result is a symbiotic environment of lush, stable shrubs and grasses that don’t interfere with overhead power lines, pose a fire hazard, or hamper access, and create a dense layer of low-growing cover that will resist the invasion of tall-growing trees. Superior Vegetation Management Systems are also designed as much as possible to reduce erosion, enhance plant diversity, establish a sustainable cover and forage for wildlife, establish corridors for wildlife movement and viewing, and avoid impacts to and enhance environmental factors.
Our long-view approach sets Superior ROW apart from all other contractors to the utility industry because we view sustainability as a business practice, not an initiative or “green” program. We take a long-term strategic approach to our decisions and their economic, environmental and social implications. Sustainability is our business model and is ingrained in our corporate strategic framework.